A ‘Vampyr’ TV show is on the way

The RPG game explores 1918 London through a dual lens. The male protagonist is a doctor who believes in science, but also a supernatural being who must feed on the living to survive. Most combat can be avoided in Vampyr, and you don’t have to kill innocents to finish the game. The title won a Best of E3 award in 2017, and reached the number one spot on the Steam charts.

The deep, dark world of Vampyr could make for some compelling entertainment. “We believe it is a fantastic premise for a television show, said Dontnd CEO Oskar Guilbert in a statement. “This is a new and exciting way for fans of the game, as well as the uninitiated, to enter and engage with Vampyr’s rich, deep story.”

A ‘Vampyr’ TV show is on the way A ‘Vampyr’ TV show is on the way Reviewed by Unknown on 9:17 PM Rating: 5

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