New One Plus 6 is Coming with 8GB Ram and 256GB of Storage.
One Plus Team announced in forum that One plus 6 is coming up with truly fast and smooth user experience can realize a burdenless experience.
Fast is not just about shorter loading times or top download speeds, any OEM can achieve high numbers in one or two metrics. Fast is about creating a lasting impression of speed and smoothness, throughout all-day use, whether you’re recording 4K video or browsing Facebook. Fast is about ensuring there is less than a 1/1000 percent likelihood of your phone freezing, even under constant heavy use. To us, it’s about setting a higher standard.
To create this higher standard, we start with the best hardware: the Qualcomm® Snapdragon™ 845 paired with up to 8GB of RAM and 256GB of storage. Choosing the best hardware is the easy part, the real challenge is in making the best hardware perform in ways that adds value to the experience of the user.
Within the OnePlus R&D team, we have a specialized team called Team FSE (Fast, Stable, Efficient). Their focus is solely on maximizing the power of our flagship devices.
The FSE Team’s role is to ensure that OnePlus devices offer the fastest, and smoothest, user experience available. Take a demanding multiplayer game experience like PUBG for instance. Our devices set the bar for performance, and we are proud to lead in this category. The one recurring theme across all user reviews of OnePlus phone experiences is “fast & smooth”!
After experiencing such speed and smoothness, it’s hard to go back. The value of a premium, next-level experience is that it noticeably enhances your time with your phone. That’s what it is all about. We could not be more excited to continue to raise the bar for “burdenless” experiences, together.

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