According to The Hollywood Reporter, Vizio was supposed to reveal the details of the settlement on September 12th, but court documents have revealed that it asked for an extension. Why? To make sure that the brand’s smart TVs can display class action notices in a way that satisfies legal standards.
The publication quoted a part of the court papers that said:
“The Parties are developing a class notice program with direct notification to the class through VIZIO Smart TV displays, which requires testing to make sure any TV notice can be properly displayed and functions as intended. The additional time requested will allow the parties to confirm that the notice program proposed in the motion for preliminary approval is workable and satisfies applicable legal standards.”
If you haven’t heard of the scandal and the cases that followed before this, you might find out if you were affected if a notification about the settlement pops up on your TV instead of in your mailbox. That could happen on or before October 3rd, depending on when Vizio wraps up its tests.
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